Tuesday, July 11, 2017


As the goodbye train continues, it gathers speed. It is a summer of saying goodbye.  For now, at least.  In seven short days we will be saying a lot of hellos.  Hello to new people, to friends we have known at previous duty stations and haven't seen in many years, and to friends it feels like I know very well but haven't actually met.  I look forward to the hellos.

At the moment of typing this, however, I am lamenting the goodbyes.  The past two weeks have been very bittersweet.  We have had moments of such joy and hilarity!  We have had days of happy exhaustion.  We have also had days of uncomfortable and irritating exhaustion: packing out of the house days, long travel days.

The happy exhaustion days are the best tonic for the sadness of leaving.  The days of backyard BBQ's, visiting with family and friends.  Swimming, playing with, hugging, and laughing with my treasured little nephew, not so little anymore.  Going out on the boat on the St. Croix, soaking up some rays, watching my boys tube, swimming and enjoying the scenery of a national scenic riverway.  Shooting hoops, making jokes, just being together. Impromptu dinners with cousins.  Reconnecting with beloved family and hearing exciting news of family growth. :-)

The past nine months I have been laying plans for what comes next, our hop across the Pacific.  Suddenly the moment of departure is on my doorstep.  It's an intense rush of emotions! One week from this moment, I will be boarding a flight to Japan...

Pictures from the most recent adventures:

Silas receiving his end of season 
soccer award from his coach.

Judson earned his purple belt in Tae Kwon Do 
the week before we left Burke.

We made it to Jamestown! The boys brought their school papers from this past year to light up Boppy's burn barrel. Note Ryan in the lower left with the blow torch.

Serious dinner conversations.

Water balloon fight! 
Grandparents versus grandsons.

Pool time.  Battle of the alligators. This was before their cousin bedazzled the gators with diving rings on their legs.

Swimming in the St. Croix.

Breakfast on the lovely patio in Hastings, Minnesota.

Jud starts the lay-up train in a game of PIG.

A sneak peak...
Our home in Yokosuka is waiting for us.
It's the unit on the right.